Exploit available Resources to Stem Labour Export – President

Saturday, April 10, 2021

KOLOLO CEREMONIAL GROUNDS: President Yoweri Museveni has urged Ugandans to exploit the available resources to create jobs and stem labour export.

“Uganda does not encourage the export of human labour resource abroad. Uganda is a very rich country. It is bad to be poor. What matters is to have attitude change among our people and to put the available resources into use to create jobs,” he said adding that Uganda should emulate countries like South Korea and Japan whose nationals do not seek for jobs outside their countries.

The President was today meeting the Regional Director of International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mohammed Abdiker in charge of East and the Horn of Africa who was accompanied by the UN Resident Coordinator, Rosa Malango. The two leaders also discussed the current political situation in the region including Somalia, South Sudan and the DRC.

During the meeting that was held at Independence Grounds at Kololo, the President said the political solution to Somalia was to senstize the nationals about the weaknesses of fronting issues of identity including tribal and religion as opposed to people’s common interests to achieve Socia-economic transformation, prosperity and political stability. 

Mr. Mohammed Abdiker thanked the President for his tremendous input on two fronts mainly; fighting for the political stability of Somalia and South Sudan and combating Covid-19 pandemic. 

He thanked the President for his support to IOM programmes on disaster response and refugees.