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“Uganda safest place to invest your Money”, Museveni tells Business Community

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA: Uganda is the safest place for any investor to inject their money and offers immense business opportunities, President Museveni has said.

“If there is a place where you can easily make money, it is Uganda.  The place is secure.  That is why we host 1.4 million refugees from the neighbouring countries," he said.

Presidents Museveni, El-Sisi of Egypt in Bilateral Meeting

YOKOHAMA, JAPAN: President Yoweri Museveni has today held a bilateral meeting with his counterpart President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi of Egypt who is also the Chairman of the African Union at the Royal Yokohama pacific Hotel.

The two leaders who are in Japan to attend the TICAD7 conference discussed issues of mutual interest regarding the region and Africa.





Master the skill of Reading, Writing, Museveni urges Ugandans

President Yoweri Museveni has said that the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Government is committed to achieving 100% literacy levels in the country, adding that efforts towards that goal have already borne great strides with the current literacy rates now standing at 77% up from 43% in 1986.

“Literacy rates were very low. Those who could read and write when NRM took over were at about 43%. It is now at 77%,” he said.
