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President Graces 30th Heroes’ Day Celebrations in Kasanje, Wakiso District

President Yoweri Museveni has saluted war heroes who died fighting for the political freedom, liberation and the peace that Ugandans are enjoying today.
Speaking today during the 30th Heroes Day Anniversary celebrations at Kasanje Town Council in Wakiso District under the theme “Celebrating the Courageous Heroes that Brought the Peace and Prosperity We Are Enjoying.”

President Receives special message from Congo Leader

President Yoweri Museveni has received a special message from his counterpart, President Dennis Sassou Nguesso, of Congo (Brazzaville).

The Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Jean Claude Gakosso, delivered the message to President Museveni yesterday evening at State House, Nakasero.

The Congolese Minister led his country’s pilgrims to the annual Namugongo Martyrs’ Day celebrations that took place yesterday.

Nyerere was Important for African Unity – President Museveni

President Yoweri Museveni has described former President of Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, as the most important personality in the human history as far as the political unity of Africa is concerned.
“For about 4.5 million years ago, which the Western world labelled the dark ages of Africa’s underdevelopment, no African fought for the struggle of Africa’s unity and independence like Nyerere did. For us Ugandans, we are grateful,” he said.

President to Christians “Be good examples, Lead through Hard Work”

LIRA DISTRICT: President Yoweri Museveni has called on Christians to lead through hard work and be examples to others in contributing to stable families. 

He made the call yesterday at the Urban Arch Deacon, Diocese of Lango in Lira Municipality during the 5 days Mothers’ Union Convention. The President is in Lango region as part of his national tour to promote the job and wealth creation campaign aimed at providing jobs and improving household incomes.

Government Committed to Improving Infrastructure - President

LIRA DISTRICT: President Yoweri Museveni has said that the NRM Government having built the major roads was committed in building the smaller roads in municipalities to ease access and improve service delivery. 

“NRM believes in a one by one policy - Prioritization. We set up priorities because it is not possible to work on all issues at the same time. Now that we have done the big roads, we can start doing the small ones to ease access for our people,” he said.
