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UPC, FDC Leaders in Lango Endorse Museveni for 2021


OYAM DISTRICT: Uganda peoples Congress leaders and those of the Forum for Democratic Change have today resolved to endorse President Yoweri Museveni as the sole candidate for the 2021 Presidential election, saying while they don’t belong to the NRM party but agree with President Yoweri Museveni’s development agenda especially infrastructure development, peace and development

Government will Protect Bugoma Forest

President Yoweri Museveni has urged the people of Bunyoro, especially the youth not to be diverted by prospects in the oil sector and ignore engagement in job and wealth creation activities.

“Oil is good and it is coming but don’t be swayed from engaging in wealth and job creation activities. Government has identified seven sectors that every Ugandan can get involved in to create wealth and improve incomes,” he said.

President says salary increments will sink Economy, Urges Leaders to form SACCOS

•Skills development projects for 20 zones

•Land fragmentation killing production


May 14, 2019

HOIMA:  President Yoweri Museveni has urged leaders at all levels to form SACCOS that government can support to supplement their incomes saying it is not sustainable for government to increase civil servants salaries at this time. 

President pays courtesy call on the Omukama of Bunyoro

President Yoweri Museveni has today paid a courtesy call on the Omukama of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom His Royal Majesty Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru the Second at his palace in Hoima Municipality.

The President and the Omukama shared pertinent issues related to the development of Bunyoro region including the establishment of Bunyoro University that will promote tertiary education in the region.

President Museveni receives a special message from Ethiopian Prime Minister

President Yoweri Museveni has received a special message from the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Mr. Abiy Ahmed.

The message was delivered by the Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister Ethiopia delivered today by the Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Demeke Mekonnem, at State House, Entebbe. 

President Museveni and his guest discussed matters of mutual interest between Ethiopia and Uganda.

President Museveni, H.H Aga Khan due for the Groundbreaking ceremony of University Hospital

President Yoweri Museveni has said that he is ready for the ground breaking ceremony for the Aga Khan University Hospital in Kampala , Uganda.

The President was yesterday speaking at a meeting he held with the diplomatic representative of the Aga Khan Development Network and a senior executive team from the Aga Khan University Mr. Firoz Rasul at State House Entebbe.

President meets EU Envoys to Uganda

President Yoweri Museveni has today held a cordial interface with the European Union Envoys in Uganda at State House, Entebbe.

The diplomats’ delegation that was led by the European Union Envoy to Uganda, Ambassador Attilio Pacifici, included Heads of Mission of Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, France, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
