Media Releases

President Museveni calls for Translation in Local Languages Non-Communicable Diseases

President Yoweri Museveni has today in the morning participated in the activities to mark the 2nd National Activity Day that was flagged off at Kololo Independence Ceremonial grounds in Kampala. The Physical Activity Day aims at informing the population in the country of the importance of physical activity and its relevance in fighting Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

President launches NITA-Uganda Data centre in Jinja

President Yoweri Museveni has launched the Jinja Data Centre branch, an annex of the National Information Technology Authority (NITA-Uganda) Data Centre Base in Kampala City.

NITA came into force in 2012/3 when the Cabinet approved the national strategy to rationalise the use of ICT services within government in order to reduce duplication and wasteful expenditures on ICT software and infrastructure.

“Uganda Became a Failed State because of Politics of Identity” – President Museveni

President Yoweri Museveni has said that Uganda became a failed state shortly after gaining independence from Britain in 1962 because of the politics of identity.

“Uganda became a failed State because of politics of identity. What do people need? They need prosperity. This is through economic activities. One has to produce and sell what he produces best. Prosperity is achieved when products are bought,” he said.
