Media Releases

UPDF Pensions and Gratuity Chieftancy Commended For Serving Veterans.

8 Mar 2020

 The Director of Veteran Affairs (DVA) Brig (Rtd) Emmanuel Musinguzi has commended the Officers and men under the Chieftaincy of Pension and Gratuity (COPG) for the job well done towards developing of the chieftaincy to the heights it has attained.

 Brig (Rtd) Emmanuel Musinguzi said this while closing a 2 days’ workshop for both Uniformed and Civilian Staff under COPG at UPDF General headquarters at Mbuya hill.

President Museveni passes out 110 UPDF Commandos

BUTIABA, BULISA DISTRICT: President Yoweri Museveni who is also the Commander in Chief of Uganda’s Armed Forces has passed out 110 UPDF Commandos who completed 16 months of specialized training.

The 4th intake of Special Forces Command Tier 1 also known as Special Forces Qualifications Course were passed out during a ceremony yesterday at Butiaba Marines Training School in Bulisa district.
