Media Releases

President vows on corruption as new Ministers Swear-In

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri Museveni has warned all public servants against engaging in any form of corruption. He reminded them that engaging in any form of corruption by any government officials is a great betrayal to Ugandans who are desperately yearning for service delivery.

The President was speaking at the swearing-in ceremony of the newly appointed Ministers that were announced in a minor Cabinet change that he made on 14th December 2019. The ceremony took place today at State House, Entebbe.

“Teach Courses that address Societal needs & Develop Country” - Museveni

President Yoweri Museveni has called on universities in the country to teach courses that will help address the needs of society and development of the country.

The President was today officiated the 15th graduation ceremony of Gulu University in Northern Uganda where over 1,500 students graduated with Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates. 226 of the students had been on government sponsorship.

Work Diligently for Uganda’s Development – New PPS Omona

KAMPALA: The new Principal Private Secretary to the President Dr. Kenneth Omona Olusegun has called on staff of State House to work diligently and maintain at all times the positive image of the country by fulfilling all their tasks.

“I have come to work with you individually, departmentally and institutionally. Let us build our strength towards working for the development of Uganda,” he said.
