Media Releases

President commends Tororo Catholic Church on Income Projects

President Yoweri Museveni has highly praised Tororo Catholic Church for supplementing Government’s efforts by initiating income-generating projects that will go a long way in helping wananchi to decisively fight poverty.

“I am happy to be in Soni-Kainja to find the word ‘Chewi’ meaning waking up. The Chewi is behind the classrooms here – green houses – where you can grow crops in a small area,” he said.

President Museveni arrives in Addis Ababa for IGAD Summit

ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA: President Yoweri Museveni has arrived in the Ethiopian Capital Addis Ababa where he joins other heads of State and government for the 13th Ordinary Summit of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). 

The summit is being held at the request and invitation of the Ethiopian Prime Minister and current IGAD Chairman Dr. Ahmed Ali Abey.

The countries attending include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda and Kenya and Eritrea.

President launches 2019 FOCAC Conference

President Yoweri Museveni has launched the 2019 FOCAC Conference with a highlight on ways of eradicating poverty not only in Uganda but in the whole of Africa.

While addressing the conference at Speke Resort Munyonyo today, the President highlighted the major sectors of the economy that will address the problem of poverty as being commercial agriculture, Industries, services and Information Communication Technology (ICT). 

Press Statement on Fabrication of the alleged RNC Committee in Uganda

The Government of Uganda hereby strongly rejects and disabuse the renewed calculated fabrication by elements yet to be understood claiming that Uganda recently hosted a meeting for purposes of election of a committee of a shadowy rebel outfit, the Rwanda National Congress (RNC).
Uganda reiterates that it doesn't know, host, or deal in any way with such a group, a fact that has been ably communicated through the appropriate channels to the Government of the Republic of Rwanda. Uganda does not harbor any intentions or interests of destabilizing the Government of Rwanda.

“We must address the issue of Strategic Security” – President Museveni

President Yoweri Museveni has called on all East African Community member states to work on the fast tracking of the East African Political Federation in order to address the issue of strategic security in the region.

“Prosperity can be achieved through economic integration but when it comes to strategic security, we cannot achieve it if we remain separate countries. That is why we talk of federation so that we can have a strong centre of gravity,” he said.
