Media Releases

Value the Institution of Marriage, President Urges Youth

MUNYONYO, KAMPALA: President Yoweri Museveni has urged the youth to embrace the institution of marriage by carefully selecting responsible, God fearing partners for stable homes. 

The President was yesterday speaking at the marriage ceremony of Isaac Kutesa and Yvette Kamurasi at Munyonyo Peace Hub in Kampala City during a church session where the newly wed couple tied the knot. 

President Museveni to CPC Delegates: “Enjoy beautiful Uganda”

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri Museveni has persuaded delegates of the Commonwealth Parliament Conference delegates to stay longer and explore the ‘unequaled’ beauty of Uganda.

The President was speaking during a state dinner he and the First Lady hosted in honour of the heads of delegations attending the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, 2019. 

President Museveni receives Queen’s message as he opens the 64th CPC

President Yoweri Museveni has expressed his gratitude for the support the Patron of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), Queen Elizabeth the 2nd of the United Kingdom, has accorded to the organization. 

The Queen also appreciated the thoughtful words and took interest in the theme of this year’s conference ‘Adaptaion, Engagement and Evolution in a Rapidly Changing Commonwealth’ and wished President Museveni and all the delegates to the CPC delegates the best of the deliberations. 
