

Equatorial Guinea President for two-day official visit to Uganda

KAMPALA, UGANDA:  President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea arrives in Uganda on Friday for a two-day official visit at the invitation of President Yoweri Museveni.

President Mbasogo’s visit comes shortly after United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) welcomed Equatorial Guinea’s accession to the Kampala Convention on internally displaced people (IDPs), becoming the 29th African Union (AU) member state to do so according to the UNHCR.

President commissions Naguru Command and Control Centre

President Yoweri Museveni has called on the Uganda Police Force to be more dedicated and patriotic at the execution of their duties in-order to implement their role of ensuring the security of Ugandans and their property.

“You can have technology but if you don’t have the 2 words – dedication and patriotism – especially patriotism which means loving your country and the people, then you can leave the force,” he said.

“We are ready to crush corruption” – President Museveni

President Yoweri Museveni has sounded a strong warning to all those that are involved in soliciting bribes and other tendencies of corruption, especially from foreign investors that they will be crushed and be dealt with decisively.

“We are very ready to fight and crush corruption. If they disturb you, find a way of mentioning it to your Ambassador. He or she will whisper it to me and you will soon see the casualties,” he said.

“Stop taxing Petty Businesses” - President Museveni tax Authorities

President Yoweri Museveni has asked tax authorities in Uganda  to stop levying tax on subsistence economies as the people doing petty businesses merely eke for a living.

“Someone is selling mangoes, roasting meat or gonja and the authorities want to tax them! Let these people earn some money and put it in their pockets. I know Ugandans very well. When they earn they go to a bar and will indirectly pay taxes from the beer they drink,” he said.

President roots for Society Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality

By PPU Reporter

NAIROBI. Gender equality can only be achieved if societies transform and develop, President Museveni has said. 

The President made the remarks today (Tuesday) in Nairobi, Kenya where he joined other leaders at the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD 25).

The three-day conference is being marked 25 years after the inaugural summit in Cairo, Egypt that made a case for gender equality and supporting advancement of women and girls. 
