Saturday, October 26, 2024

Trump’s The United States, also known as Uncle Sam, likes to lecture the world and imposing its values, calling them ‘international rules’. The emergence of Donald J. Trump, who lost the presidency four years ago, but is today seeking another re-election, in a historic duel with a second woman, Kamala Harris, shuttered the American myths in many ways, for which, Africans should love him to win on November, 5, 2024. 

And this should be despite him calling African countries “shitholes”, and not building a ‘great, great southern wall’ to protect Americans from ‘criminals, thieves, drug peddlers and rapists’ from Mexico. Africans should also prefer Trump because of the anticipated new lows he could ring on the US, obviously in addition to the many already evident, and unlikely to vanish any time soon. And considering that Elon Musk, the reported richest man in the world, and a Trump re-election supporter,  is publicly offering millions daily in lottery-like scheme to registered voters in the so-called battle-ground states, surely, US lectures on untainted elections will be bogus. While there have always been financial vested interests since American politics existed, and democracy was said to die in darkness, today, it is dying in daylight on public stage, partly courtesy of Trump.

Trump’s second presidency should be a blessing to the world, as it could de-accelerate the American century, and create possibilities for a fairer world order. Perhaps, for the sake of making history, some people Black Africans and feminists may wish a Kamala Harris win, but looking at her joint leadership with Joe Biden that has allowed Israel to inflict mass and indiscriminate destruction, maiming, starvation, and murder on Palestinians, mostly innocent children and women with uttermost impunity, which many call genocide, it is difficult to wish her victory. Democrats may as well lose both houses of congress. The wish for a Trump win is not in any way motivated by even the faintest belief that Palestinians gain peace and freedom, but because he stands to expose US exceptionalism than any other leader. His victory too, would be a history in itself, of a president defeated, pushed to the cold fighting multiple criminal charges, convicted, and yet can get re-elected back to office.

Trump, gives everyone, and particularly Africans to their face, and believes that each country must work hard to feed, protect, and insure its people from killer diseases, and not rely on aid and donations from wealthy countries of the world, mostly in the western hemisphere. China and India, which not too long ago were at similar levels with most African countries, for a while closed themselves from the world, and have today made it, surpassing many colonial looters from the west.

Today, China is leading in all round modern technology, global investments, trade, diplomacy and even charity, and through its Belt and Road Initiative, it is opening up world class infrastructure connectivity never seen before. Back home un just forty years China has uplifted over 400 million people out of poverty and want  into modernity and sustained prosperity.

During his term as president, he even threatened to cut funding to NATO unless its other war-mongering members raised and fulfilled their contributions. And had Trump won re-election in 2020, probably the ongoing NATO sponsored war between Ukraine and Russian would not be there. After all, Trump had just folded another NATO war in Afghanistan through a peaceful settlement with the Taliban, and the US beat a hasty retreat in defeat and humiliation.

And since the US continuously meddles in our internal affairs, Africans too, should hold the right to interrupt Americans as they turn political farce into annihilation of their democracy, although let the best candidate win on November 5, after all, the sun will remain orbiting the earth.