By Ofwono Opondo

Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga and the folly of Political Impudence

In Macbeth, William Shakespeare writes about the Thane of Cawdor, where loyalty, fate, ambition, greed, chaos, disorder and fall of man conspire to breed an obsession with power that goes unchecked by moral constraints. Sadly when one has visited the shrines and believes that witches can tell how bright their future is, they never listen to reason, except the daggers in their hand.

The world is guilty of Abandoning Palestinians to Israel Brutality

Palestine has been burning for close to two weeks now under disproportionate use of force by Israel military tanks, artillery fire, ground troops and air power.  The latest episode was triggered by Israel police squad who matched into Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to remove loudspeakers used during prayers, an act of deliberate provocation and contrary to basic common sense. So far 217 Palestinians in Gaza had been killed by mid this week.

From Museveni to Museveni; The haters can now go on fool’s Errand

The presidential inauguration held on Wednesday this week at the Kololo Independence Grounds, passed off well, and hugely a success with eleven Presidents, Heads of State, and twelve delegations from across the world attending in personally, defying the Covid19 pandemic. Locally, close to five thousand Ugandans mostly leaders from districts, parliament and Cabinet, all tested for Covid19 three days earlier and found to be negative also in attended in person.

The Uganda-Kenya Maize and Toilet paper Trade dispute is Healthy

The ongoing trade dispute between Uganda and its regional leading trade partner Kenya over sugar, maize, milk, table eggs, rice, beverages, furniture, pharmaceutical products, stationery, facial tissue and toilet paper quality is a good war because it represents real survival and prosperity issues for the two countries. At the centre are mutual suspicions and accusations that some goods are substandard or smuggled into each other’s market from non-EAC members.

Besigye, Kyagulanyi are Vultures Hovering over Cyprian Lwanga’s Grave

After Kampala Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, 68, was found dead in his bed in Lubaga last Saturday morning, Kizza Besigye and Robert Kyagulanyi posted on social media mean spirited innuendos that appeared to endorse a fringe and absurd conspiracy theory that government killed him. Besigye’s post titled “The sudden and “unexplained” death of Archbishop Kizito Lwanga-Spotlight on Mr.

We must learn to carry our own Cross

Early this week I found myself wrongly in the news being accused with other senior NRM and government officials of ‘disliking’ and ‘fighting’ the outgoing Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, which claims are contemptuous and shouldn’t pass unchallenged otherwise it becomes a tradition. Without repudiating President Yoweri Museveni’s counsel on handling internal contradictions, l hold that mutual respect must be accorded to all view points in a national discourse.

Parliament Speakership and Hiring External Political Dogs of War

The race for Speaker of the Eleventh parliament is gaining a vicious trench warfare with incumbent Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga on Wednesday launching her ‘’national campaign team’’ presumably to attract appeal across party lines. It was also an effort to steamroll her deputy Jacob Olakori Oulanyah who has declared intentions to challenge her reminiscent of the 2016 acrimony in which Oulanyah was persuaded by the NRM CEC to give away.
