By Ofwono Opondo

It’s an Insult Accusing Museveni of Harbouring ‘Terrorists’

Uganda and Rwanda have had so much contact spanning centuries, the greater part under colonialism, backwardness, and mass murders by governments we jointly stopped for which each side should be grateful for their respective roles. But following so much opprobrium accompanied by pettiness flowing under the bridge from across Uganda’s southern border in the last one month, it is prudent that the renewed frostiness is put into perspective.

It seems quite Easy being in the Opposition

National Resistance Movement (NRM) members of parliament are at the National Leadership Institute (NALI), Kyankwanzi for a one week retreat under the theme “Industrialization for job creation and shared prosperity,” which will review progress over the last three years. Going by the first two days, engagements have been vigorous, and hopefully, MPs will return wiser, ideologically energized, cohesive and committed to a higher sense of purpose.

RDCs should straighten up in their Respective Roles

Two weeks ago all the two hundred and four Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) and their deputies who were appointed in mid 2018 completed their induction at the National Leadership Institute (NALI), Kyankwanzi into government service with expectations that their individual and collective performance will be better, much more visible and consistent with the laws. In addition, the ministry for the presidency has embarked on regional joint engagements with district leaders to deepen their appreciation of the key priorities of government.
