President urges NRM’s NEC Members on a United Uganda

Friday, January 24, 2020

President Yoweri Museveni has called on the members of the National Executive Council of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) to unite Uganda in order to have a united Ugandan market. 

The President, who is the National Chairman of the National Resistance Movement Party, made the call today at State House, Entebbe where he addressed a one-day meeting of the Second Meeting of the 3rd National Executive Council of the National Resistance Movement.

“We must unite Uganda in order to have a united Ugandan market. I welcome you to the National Delegates’ conference. We need to address the issue of ideology and that of strategy. It is important to have free education. This will provide socio- economic transformation. We liberalized the economy and allowed the private sector to do business,” he said.  

The President further stressed the need to change the Ugandan society from being peasants into becoming commercial farmers.

The meeting was attended, among others, by the First Lady, Mrs. Janet Museveni, the Vice President, Mr. Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi, the Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga and Prime Minister, Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda, former Vice-President Dr. Speciosa Wandira Kazibwe anf former Premier, Mr. Kintu Musoke.

The NEC meeting at Entebbe overwhelmingly voted to adopt the proposal by the Central Executive Committee (CEC) meeting that took place yesterday at Entebbe to change the NRM Constitution, Article 39, 10E in order to enable the Movement conduct its Primaries by lining up behind the various candidates. The amendment that was proposed by the Deputy Secretary General of NRM, Richard Todwong, was seconded by Mulindwa Birimumaso.

President Museveni was pleased to inform the delegates that Uganda today has got 4,900 factories that employ 700,000 workers adding that 2.2 million people were employed in the non-agricultural sectors. He reminded the NEC meeting that if wananchi do not graduate from the peasantry status, they would not benefit.

He informed meeting that the government has built tarmac roads connecting all parts of the country noting that this state of affairs has gone a long way in enabling the people of Uganda to reduce the cost of doing business. 

Regarding increased sugar production in the country, the President said that Uganda would soon start the processing of industrial sugar locally.

He used the occasion to ask the members about the line of those elements in our society who are always pre-occupied with sectarian talk about tribes and religion and strongly advised them to appreciate the vitality for all Ugandans to be patriotic and practice pan Africanism. He said that under this arrangement the country would be assured of a huge market for her goods even beyond the region.

President Museveni described the corrupt people as the enemies of the Ugandan society. He strongly warned them that he would not tolerate officials who demand for bribes.

The NRM Deputy Secretary General Richard Todwong thanked President Museveni for keeping NRM strong in all corners of the country. ENDS