Opinion Posts

Besigye, FDC, and the End of Political Reason

Last week, the often colourful opposition politician, Kizza Besigye in yet another besmirched ceremony, unveiled what he described as a ‘peoples government and assembly’, with himself atop as the ‘peoples’ president. It is worth remembering that in 2016, soon after the elections, Besigye secretly took a fictitious ‘oath’ as the ‘peoples’ president complete with ‘cabinet ministers’. He then vowed that he would cause an international audit to the election results claiming had been stolen from him.

The Safety of Journalists is Critical for Development

African countries continue to be rated very low in regard to freedom of expression, media freedom, safety and protection, and ending impunity against journalists. According to Press Freedom Index Report by Human Rights Network for Journalists-Uganda, a local advocacy group, at least 113 cases of violations and abuses were reported in 2017. The report highlights laws it describes as draconian laws that still remain in force, and restricting press freedom in Uganda, among them, the Penal Code Act, Anti-Terrorism Act (2002), and Computer Misuse Act (2013).
