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Use petroleum to Strengthen Regions infinite Resources for Jobs and Wealth – President Museveni

STATE HOUSE, DAR ES SALAAM: President Yoweri Museveni has cautioned the region not to be intoxicated with petroleum as this is an exhaustible resource but urged stakeholders to use it to build the infinite resources in the four sectors that drive jobs and wealth creation including commercial agriculture, industrialization, services including tourism, banking, entertainment and Information Communication Technology (ICT) the new software.

God has interceded for me many times - President

KOLOLO CEREMONIAL GROUNDS: President Yoweri Museveni joined Christians whom he described as prayer warriors for a thanks giving service to thank God for a peaceful election and great victory following January general elections.

“I thank all of you for coming here where the inauguration is going to take place to ask God’s Blessing for this site and occasion and thank God for all the things’ he has given us in the past,” he said.
