
“Focus on Qualitative Transformation” – President urges Africa

President Yoweri Museveni has said that for the African continent to achieve and realise the much desired transformation agenda, the continent must focus on qualitative transformation of her population and production means as opposed to quantitative transformation. He observed that failure to focus on quality as opposed to quantity will make Africa’s efforts at transformation, go in vain.

Press Statement on the Recent Anti Corruption Unit -State House Operations

The Anti- Corruption Unit- State house was officially launched on 10th December 2018 by His Excellency the President of Uganda to effectively work and assist the already existing  anti corruption agencies namely the IGG, Office of the  Auditor General, Anti corruption Court, PPDA, Uganda Police among others. 

Following its launch, several cases have been reported to the unit through the available channels leading to a number of operations as seen over the past few months. 

Museveni to CEC, “We must Embrace science and Technology to Empower our People,”

President Yoweri Museveni has told the Central Executive Committee of the National Resistance Movement that for the party to propel the country forward and economically transform the society, the leaders must appreciate the importance of science and technology to drive socio-economic transformation. This coupled with understanding the correctness of the movement ideology that emphasizes Patriotism, pan-Africanism, socio-economic transformation and democracy” and the existing strategic bottlenecks that have hindered the development of Uganda.
